Online workshop – 16 October 2021 – “Project Management Tools for ESL Professionals: A Glimpse behind the Agile Curtain” with Tanja Murphy-Ilibasic

Agile? That means Scrum, right?
Actually, it doesn’t.
In this workshop, we’ll be differentiating between the concepts of an agile mindset and tools that support an agile approach. In particular, we’ll be focussing on micro-structures and facilitation techniques you can add to your own toolbox as an ESL professional.
As always, being selective in the tools you integrate into your professional toolkit is key to successfully expanding your expertise.
To support just that, we will be putting various techniques to the test virtually, discussing differences for in-person use and identifying opportunities for blending these with your ESL sessions.

This workshop is targeted towards those of you working with professionals in agile environments, those planning to, or anyone wishing to understand what all this ‘agile’
stuff is really about.
Tanja Murphy-Ilibasic has 25+ years of experience working with global corporations as a corporate/agile coach, communications specialist, facilitator and interpreter/translator. She also does extensive work supporting NGOs and CSOs. Collaborating with other professionals is a constant source of enjoyment, and Tanja is infinitely curious about what we can learn from each other.

When: Saturday 16 October 2021 from 10 am to 1 pm
Where: Online
Registration – ELTABB members: Register on the Ning
Registration – other ELTA members: Email and let us know which ELTA you belong to.