“The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” (Alvin Toeffler).
What if the most important thing we could teach our students was actually, how to learn?
In this hand-on workshop we will look at what is meant by learning strategies and the importance of indirect learning strategies in encouraging effective language learners.
Rebecca Oxford (1) classified indirect strategies in three groups; metacognitive strategies including planning and evaluating learning, affective strategies that deal with anxiety and encouragement, and social strategies which help improve social skills such as cooperation and empathy. Participants will take part in a variety of activities that will develop the use of indirect strategies in these areas and leave with a sound knowledge of what LS are, some food for thought as well as something fun to try in class on Monday.
(1) Oxford, R. 1990 Language Learning Strategies, What every teacher should know
Heinle & Heinle Publishers
Rachael Harris is a qualified SEN coordinator and teaches ELT, literature, and Media studies in a secondary school in Geneva, Switzerland. She has published various materials and
articles in these fields, including her latest book, Activities for Developing Learning Strategies with Delta publishing. She is joint coordinator for IATEFL Inclusive Practices & SEN SIG and is passionate about discovering how all learners learn best.
Arden University, Dessauerstr 3-5, 10963, Berlin or online
ELTABB members: free. Please RSVP on the Ning.
Other ELTA members: free. Email events@eltabb.com to get the link
Non-members: €10. Email events@eltabb.com to book your place