Oxford Business English Day

Sunday June 11th, 10:45 to 15:00

Berlin School of English, Charlottenstr. 81, 10969 Berlin

ELTABB in cooperation with Oxford University Press and the Berlin School of English, are pleased to present the Oxford Business English Day in Berlin. The event will be lead by renowned authors and teacher trainers, John Hughes and Robert McLarty (2016 Winners of the BESIG David Riley Award for Innovation in Business English and ESP).

Please register for free here.


10.45-11.00 Registration and networking

11.00-11.45 Workshop 1: The impact of visual communication in your business English classroom, John Hughes

From charts, graphs and diagrams to iconography, infographics, and kinetic typography – the 21st century business world makes more use than ever of visual communication to get its message across. In this workshop, we’ll look at a collection of ways in which to integrate images with classroom activities. We’ll also assess the methodology behind using visual literacy in the classroom and consider how it can impact positively on our Business English teaching. You’ll leave with plenty of practical ideas and the opportunity to see how the new Business Result Second Edition integrates images and videos into the material.

11.45-12.00 Coffee break and book exhibition

12.00- 13.00 Workshop 2: Vocabulary. It’s only words. Robert Mclarty

One of the most regularly requested areas for improvement on Business English course is vocabulary. From Victorian parlour games to 21st century apps, we all have our favourite ways of helping students improve their knowledge of and ability to use the right word in the right place. In this workshop I will look at the ten most popular vocabulary activities based on a recent poll of international teachers of English and discuss how useful they really are. We will work out what a learner has to do if they really want to increase their active vocabulary.

13.00-13.45 Lunch break (lunch provided)

13.45 -14.30 Workshop 3: Critical thinking in Business English, John Hughes

As Business English teachers, we are familiar with skills such as presenting and negotiating but perhaps fewer of us consider how the skill of critical thinking impacts on Business English teaching. And yet critical thinking is regarded as one of the key twenty-first century skills that employees look for in a candidate when recruiting. Critical thinking skills are also listed as a key objective on many MBA and university-based business programmes. In this session, we’ll explore the place of critical thinking in business and then we’ll try out a variety of practical classroom activities which develop both language skills and critical thinking skills. The session will draw on the Talking Point feature in the new Business Result Second Edition.

14.30 -14.45 Book exhibition and networking

14.45-15.00 Prize Draw

Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day.