Now that you teach only online, you are likely to use slides regularly. Most probably, you use them like everybody else does. But there is a problem with that – the way over 98% of people create and use slides goes directly against how the brain receives, processes and remembers information. So why do people still use them the way they do? Because the research-based understanding of how the brain functions in presentations hasn’t reached most of us and because old habits die hard. In this workshop, Ákos Gerold will share some brain-friendly slide practices that will boost your online teaching.
You will learn:
* why the way most people use slides is not brain-friendly and how this is harming your teaching
* what the brain-friendly slide practices are for online language classes
* some design tips that help you direct your learners’ attention to what matters
* what the typical pitfalls are in some of the most widely used technical setups and how to avoid them
Ákos Gerold taught business, legal and general English for over 15 years and presented regularly at ELT and BESIG conferences before by accident he understood that most widespread presentation practices are not aligned with how the brain works. Fascinated by presentations, language and visuals, he started studying what makes public speaking brain-friendly and more effective at driving decisions. He has been sharing what he has learned with individual and corporate clients through presentation skills training and mentoring in Brazil and Europe. You can find out more about his work on
When: Saturday 15 May 2021 from 2 to 5 pm
Where: Online
Registration – ELTABB members: Please register on the Ning
Registration – other ELTA members: Please register by emailing and mention which ELTA you are a member of
Registration – non-ELTABB / -ELTA members: You can register (for a nominal fee of 10 Euro) by emailing
Where: Online
Registration – ELTABB members: Please register on the Ning
Registration – other ELTA members: Please register by emailing and mention which ELTA you are a member of
Registration – non-ELTABB / -ELTA members: You can register (for a nominal fee of 10 Euro) by emailing