I’m based in Berlin and work as a freelance business English and communications trainer throughout Germany as well as in the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Hungary. I teach seminars on communication skills (presentations, negotiations etc.), using a lot of role play and simulation techniques; I worked earlier as a theatre director, actor and script writer.
I moved to Germany in 1994 and have been teaching in a range of sectors and companies (Mercedes, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, Airbus, Bayer) for round 25 years. Currently I work at the HWR, the Bundestag and Deutsche Bahn in Berlin. I also teach legal English writing skills (DLA, Clifford Chance, Linklaters).
I’ve been involved in teacher training for over 15 years (INSET for language schools, certificate level TEFL courses and training for German state secondary school teachers); currently I teach on a British Council programme on English as the Medium of Instruction aimed at the tertiary sector throughout Europe.
Contact: nmunby@hotmail.com