Amanda Croft will be joining us for two workshops. The workshops are independent of each other so feel free to come to just one or both as you wish.
11am-1pm: Storytelling- from building a story to telling it
How often do you find your learners struggle to tell a compelling story?
They’re not sure of the structure, the language to use or the shape of it.
Then when it comes to telling it, they lack conviction and passion.
In this session, you will be provided with wonderful guidelines for shaping and building a story, identifying language that can be used to move a story forward and how to engage an audience whether it’s a personal story or a corporate presentation.
Finally, we look at listening, memory and recall and how stories hold the answer. Be prepared to be inspired.
1pm-2pm: Lunchbreak. A few of us will be going to a local café to for a bite to eat. The more, the merrier if you would like to join us.
2pm-4pm Improvisation: Fun ways to get your learners speaking spontaneously
Our learners are sometimes faced with unexpected situations. They need to be able to improvise and be spontaneous in English. In this afternoon workshop, we will explore numerous fun games and activities that will give our learners practise at exactly this. The bonus for you? All these activities require very little preparation time.
Both workshops will be very practical and hands-on, with lots of participation. The aim is that you will come away with a long list of new games and activities to use in class.
All activities are suitable for both in-person and online classes from teenagers to adults. However, most require a minimum of 4-5 participants, so wouldn’t be suitable for one-on-one classes.
Amanda trained as both an actress and EFL teacher in the early 1990’s and has worked in both fields ever since. In 2011, she finished an MA in TESOL. Her special interest and dissertation was: ‘Gesture and Language acquisition,’ in which her two worlds collided.
Since then, she has used numerous acting, improvisation, and storytelling techniques to enliven her English language learning space and enable her learners to be creative and spontaneous- activating the language they possess.
She now runs 3-day long storytelling and improvisation courses for English language teachers in her hometown of Faversham in the UK.
She has presented three times at IATEFL and also for the Neurolanguage conference in Sitges in March 2024
All on Board, Torstr 117, 10119. (NB All on Board have changed offices recently and are now in the former Expath building.)
How to join:
ELTABB members: Free. Please RSVP on the Ning.
Other ELTA members: Free. Email to book your place
Non-members: €10. Email to book your place