ELTABB Online Workshop: “Graphic Facilitation for Teachers” with Emily Bryson – 21 January 2022

In this practical workshop, we will explore graphic facilitation tools like visual templates, capture sheets, sketchnotes and hand-drawn icons. Participants will have the opportunity to practice drawings and create tools for developing and supporting your business communication: be it for meetings, feedback or planning.

About Emily

Emily is an ELT author, materials writer, ESOL lecturer, teacher trainer and graphic facilitator with 20 years’ experience in ELT. She has also published various written materials, notably for National Geographic Learning and is a co-author on their Voices program for young adults and adults.

When and where:

The workshop will be held online from 10am to 1pm on 21 January.

ELTABB and other ELTA members please register via the Zoom link (provided on the Ning). Non-ELTA members welcome but will need to pay a 10 EUR fee and should email events@eltabb.com to indicate their interest in attending.