This workshop offers an introduction to the flipped language classroom, which integrates a virtual learning space with the physical classroom, but more importantly is about the effective use of face-to-face time. We will look at why we might consider flipping, its advantages and affordances, and how flipping can transform your teaching practice. Rather than “all or nothing”, we can implement this approach bit-by-bit or to whatever degree suits our objectives and needs, and the adoption of new or special technologies is not required. We will look at how to get started and ways in which we can continue to develop a flipped course, including approaches to materials development and learner collaboration. Participants are encouraged to bring with them a favorite language task or activity so that we can work together to explore why and how it might be flipped. Whether you are already flipping, considering it, or just curious this workshop will provide food for thought and concrete steps that you can take in your own flipped journey.
Mary-Jane Radford Arrow has been teaching English to university students for 20 years+ and has found her niche in English for Specific Academic Purposes for students of STEM disciplines. In recent years, she has taken a special interest in the use of technology to support language teaching and learning. She is currently a lecturer and coordinator of the English department at the ZentraleinrichtungModerne Sprache, TU Berlin. She is also a doctoral candidate at the University of Liverpool’s Centre for Higher Education Studies, her research focusing on the role of professional identity in technology adoption by university English language teachers.
Date & time: 26 October 26 2019 from 10am to 1:30pm
Location: Technische Universität Berlin – Zentraleinrichtung Moderne Sprachen (ZEMS), Hardenbergstraße 16-18, Room 2.12, 10623 Berlin
Cost: Free for members; 10 Euros for non-members
Registration: You can register on the Ning (members) or by emailing