The “ELTABB Staff Room” is an event where ELTABB members come together to share ideas, plans and materials and discuss topics related to the practicalities of teaching English. If you like the concept and want to do something similar again, please let one of the Events Team members know!
This time around we`ll be discussing and sharing tips and tricks on how to make realistic plans for continuing professional development — and stick to them!
Like it or hate it, the summer is usually a quieter time for the freelance (and employed) English teacher. Perhaps it’s time to get to all of that professional development you’ve been putting off! Those unread books, IATEFL newsletters, and notes from ELTABB workshops won’t sort through themselves. Why don’t we meet and make a realistic summer PD plan together. You can share recommendations for books, links to webinars, or tell the others about your favorite conferences. We can also use this as a follow-up to Sandy Millin’s online PD workshop to see what you’ve managed to do so far (and catch up those who missed it).
Some questions to keep in mind:
How much do we “need” to do to keep up? To get ahead?
Is there an EFL reading list?
I want to keep costs low, what are my options?
How can I translate what I learn into what I teach?
Please feel free to bring any materials you would like to share.
This will be an open style workshop with teachers sharing ideas with other teachers in small groups.
It`s always such a great opportunity to speak with other teachers, ask for ideas and advice, and share successful methods.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The ELTABB events team
This event costs is free for ELTABB members and 10€ for non-members.
Time: June 30, 2018 from 10am to 1pm
Location: Die Neue Schule *see below
Street: Sigmaringer Str. 35
City/Town: Berlin, 10713
*PLEASE NOTE: the correct address is Sigmaringer Str 35 (NOT the address on the Neue Schule Website)