We are very proud to announce the 2020 ELTABB AGM meeting and workshop speaker Antonia Clare! *Please RSVP by Fe. 23rd see below*
Workshop title: “Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons”
How can we be more creative in the classroom, especially when under increasing pressure to meet the demands of standardised curricula and testing? Does creativity require a small act of defiance or rebellion on the part of the teacher? This workshop will offer practical ideas to help you become that flamingo in your teaching.
Bio: Antonia Clare is a teacher, trainer, international conference speaker and author. Her special interests include the use of video and new technologies in ELT, creativity and the psychology of language learning. She has taught and trained around the world, and co-authored bestselling coursebook titles including Total English and Speakout. She is currently a freelance writer and consultant trainer with NILE. Her latest publication is The Creative Teacher’s Compendium – An A-Z guide of creative activities for the language classroom, published by Pavilion ELT.
Following the workshop is our annual general meeting. This important event is open to all Eltabb members, new and old alike! It’s the one time of year when we gather to talk about the organization- how it’s been doing, and where we’d like it to go in the future. It’s also where we approve new board members and the 2020 budget.
Eltabb is the sum of all of us, so please come and add your voice to the conversation!
The day will run as follows:
10:00-1:30: workshop with Antonia Clare
1:30-2:30: light catered lunch
2:30-4:30: ELTABB annual general meeting.
When 29 February 2020 from 10am to 4:30pm
Where: GLS Sprachenzentrum, Kastanienallee 82 , 10435 Berlin
Cost: Free for ELTABB members; €10 for guests.
Registration: Members register on the Ning; guests register by emailing events@eltabb.com
You don’t have to come for the whole day, but we do need to know if you will be there for lunch!
*Please RSVP by Sunday, February 23rd either here or write to eltabb@events.com*